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ObserveRTC Client Integration Javascript Library

@observertc/client-monitor-js is a client side library to monitor WebRTCStats and to integrate you app to observertc components.

Table of Contents:

Qucik Start

Install it from npm package repository.

npm i @observertc/client-monitor-js

Collect WebRTC Stats

import { ClientMonitor } from "@observertc/client-monitor-js";
// see full config in Configuration section
const config = {
collectingPeriodInMs: 5000,
const monitor = ClientMonitor.create(config);
id: "collectorId",
getStats: () => peerConnection.getStats(),
monitor.events.onStatsCollected(() => {
for (const transport of monitor.stats.transports()) {
/// use the transport

The above example collect stats in every 5s. When stats are collected and stored it emits an event to notify the application.

You can navigate through related stats:

    // list outbound RTP stats
for (const outboundRtp of monitor.stats.outboundRtps()) {
// get the remote inbound RTP stats belongs to the actual outbound RTP
const remoteInboundRtp = outboundRtp.getRemoteInboundRtp();
console.log(outboundRtp.stats, remoteInboundRtp.stats);

The example above shows how to get the remote inbound rtp stats related to the outbound rtp stats.

With stats you accessing to the StatsStorage. StatsStorage provided entries can be used to navigate from stats type to another.

Entry Navigations

Sample and Send

Sampling means the client-monitor creates a so-called ClientSample. ClientSample is a compound object contains a snapshot from the polled stats, added devices, constrainments, user errors, etc. ClientSample is created by a Sampler component. A created ClientSample is added to Samples object. Samples can be sent to the server by a Sender component.

The above shown example can be extended to sample and send by adding the following configurations:

import { ClientMontior } from "@observertc/client-monitor-js";
// see full config in Configuration section
const config = {
collectingPeriodInMs: 5000,
samplingPeriodInMs: 10000,
sendingPeriodInMs: 10000,
sampler: {
roomId: "testRoom",
sender: {
websocket: {
urls: ["ws://localhost:7080/samples/myServiceId/myMediaUnitId"]
const monitor = ClientMontior.create(config);
id: "collectorId",
getStats: () => peerConnection.getStats(),

API docs


NPM package



The schema used to send samples can be found here.


Calculate video tracks Fps

Assuming you have a configured and running monitor and a collector you added to poll the stats from peer connection, here is an example to calculate the frame per sec for tracks.

const monitor = //.. defined above
monitor.onStatsCollected(() => {
const now = Date.now();
for (const inboundRtp of monitor.storage.inboundRtps()) {
const trackId = inboundRtp.getTrackId();
const SSRC = inboundRtp.getSsrc();
const traceId = `${trackId}-${SSRC}`;
// lets extract what we need from the stats for inboundRtp: https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc-stats/#inboundrtpstats-dict*
const { framesReceived, kind } = inboundRtp.stats;
if (kind !== "video") continue;
const trace = traces.get(traceId);
if (!trace) {
traces.set(traceId, {
timestamp: now,
const elapsedTimeInS = (now - trace.timestamp) / 1000;
const fps = (framesReceived - trace.framesReceived) / elapsedTimeInS;
const peerConnectionId = inboundRtp.getPeerConnection()?.id;
trace.framesReceived = framesReceived;
trace.timestamp = now;

console.log(`On peerConnection: ${peerConnectionId}, track ${trackId}, SSRC: ${SSRC} the FPS is ${fps}`);

Collect RTT measurements for peer connections

const monitor = //.. defined above
monitor.onStatsCollected(() => {
const RTTs = new Map();
for (const outboundRtp of monitor.storage.outboundRtps()) {
const remoteInboundRtp = outboundRtp.getRemoteInboundRtp();
const { roundTripTime } = remoteInboundRtp.stats;
const peerConnectionId = outboundRtp.getPeerConnection()?.collectorId;
let measurements = results.get(peerConnectionId);
if (!measurements) {
measurements = [];
RTTs.set(peerConnectionId, measurements);
// here you have the RTT measurements groupped by peer connections


const config = {
* By setting it, the monitor calls the added statsCollectors periodically
* and pulls the stats.
* DEFAULT: undefined
collectingPeriodInMs: 5000,
* By setting it, the monitor make samples periodically.
* DEFAULT: undefined
samplingPeriodInMs: 10000,

* By setting it, the monitor sends the samples periodically.
* DEFAULT: undefined
sendingPeriodInMs: 10000;

* By setting it stats items and entries are deleted if they are not updated.
* DEFAULT: undefined
statsExpirationTimeInMs: 60000,

* Collector Component related configurations
* DEFAULT: configured by the monitor
collectors: {
* Sets the adapter adapt different browser type and version
* provided stats.
* DEFAULT: configured by the monitor
adapter: {
* the type of the browser, e.g.: chrome, firefox, safari
* DEFAULT: configured by the collector
browserType: "chrome",
* the version of the browser, e.g.: 97.xx.xxxxx
* DEFAULT: configured by the collector
browserVersion: "97.1111.111",

* Sampling Component Related configurations
sampler: {
* The identifier of the room the clients are in.
* If server side componet is used to collect the samples, this parameter is the critical to provide to match clients being in the same room.
* DEFAULT: a generated unique value
* NOTE: if this value has not been set clients which are in the same room will not be matched at the monitor
roomId: "testRoom",

* The identifier of the client. If it is not provided, then it a UUID is generated. If it is provided it must be a valid UUID.
* DEFAULT: a generated unique value
clientId: "clientId",

* the identifier of the call between clients in the same room. If not given then the server side assigns one. If it is given it must be a valid UUID.
* DEFAULT: undefined
callId: "callId",
* The userId of the client appeared to other users.
* DEFAULT: undefined
userId: "testUser",

* Indicate if the sampler only sample stats updated since the last sampling.
* DEFAULT: true
incrementalSampling: true,
* Configure the sender component.
sender: {
* Configure the format used to transport samples or receieve
* feedback from the server.
* Possible values: json, protobuf
* DEFAULT: json
format: "json",
* Websocket configuration to transport the samples
websocket: {
* Target urls in a priority order. If the Websocket has not succeeded for the first,
* it tries with the second. If no more url left the connection is failed
urls: ["ws://localhost:7080/samples/myServiceId/myMediaUnitId"],
* The maximum number of retries to connect to a server before,
* tha connection failed is stated.
maxRetries: 1,



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